He is the Son of God; who embodied God in human form and died on the cross so we could have a way to be reunited with our Father in heaven.
The month of Nisan in the Jewish calendar is the period of time when Jesus went to the cross. For the second book by author Fred Kuypers, What a Finish! What a Start! The Month Jesus Met Man’s Need, the month of Nisan is explored directly in a chronological path through the four treasured gospels.
Often times devotionals and study tools only hit the milk of the Word and don’t go any deeper than the surface level. The author of this book cares deeply about the subject matter and dives deeply into facts of Christ’s last month on earth. Expect to find a lot of Bible quoted, and scholarly research clearly done and cited. This book is a great addition to my study materials, I recommend it to yours as well.
I purchased this book and am impressed with the factual information and attention to detail in which this book is written. It follows the most important event in history, the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you are looking to do a deep dive into the days leading up to Jesus’s death, I HIGHLY recommend this book. It would make a fantastic book for a book study.
This is a great book to read leading up to Easter. It really helps solidify the timeline of events that happened the month of Christ’s crucifixion. Great addition to my library!
This book is unparalleled in its exhaustive content. It lays to rest many myths and misinterpretation of scripture held by others. Anyone searching and desiring to know the truth of scripture will find it therein and be greatly blessed. I heartily recommend this outstanding book.
Wonderful, very educational in a way as it has some topics that very much in contrast to those what we have been taught regarding our religious history about what our churches has discussed to us, and by the looks of it it seems the author has more to say, so would love to see a sequel of some sort. 5 stars indeed.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
Controversial and quite intriguing book. It makes me think a lot from what we were originally taught from what there is in reality if you really dig deep to what is written in the bible. Kudos to the author.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
The idea of Wednesday Crucifixion alone is something why we should seriously revisit the idea or teachings our local churches has taught us all ever since. More quite interesting facts the author has discussed in his book. 5 stars no questions asked.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
Excellent quite controversial book. A lot of topics that is in contrast with our current religious teaching in which if you look into it would actually be more accurate as said information is what is showing in the bible itself.
Well researched book infact.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
Spectacular book, quite controversial yes. Very intriguing, that right now humans as we are, that if we really need to read through and know more about his teachings that we need to read the bible itself.
Quite deep, best read through it in tranquility in an open air like I did.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
This book really makes us questions so many things from what we have been told since we were young, some things you will see for your self other than reading this book but the bible itself to know more facts about our religious history. Saw this in the LA event back on April, only got to finish reading it recently. Kudos.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
Saw a digital ad for the Printers Row Festival for this book 3 weeks ago, barely half way, but no question, with the well researched facts by Fred by reading well the bible it self, there seems to be a lot here that is making me question some things we have been taught from what there really is as opposed to what is written in the Bible. Kudos to Fred.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
Many interesting, new, concepts on Biblical truth. Interesting comments on the raising of Lazarus, on Jesus Christ presenting himself on Palm day. A deep look into Christ’s Olivet discourse and arguments for a Wednesday Crucifixion. The Jewish month of Nisan with each day used as a chapter, makes studying this time of Christ very easy.
Tags: Inspirational, Challenging Read, Controversial, Couldn’t Put It Down
Great time line of Jesus time on Earth
I always thought about what Jesus did for us and this gave me a fantastic understanding of timeline, like I’ve never heard before. Simply incredible.
Tiefgründiges Buch, spannende Themen. Am besten hat man beim Lesen eine Bibel neben sich liegen.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
A Good Scholarly Work
Fred does an excellent job of presenting a chronology of the last month of the life of Jesus: Day by day, hour by hour. Very interesting insights. Well written and well researched. Good scholarly approach.
Ein Premium-Nischenbuch, das sein Bestes gibt, zunächst gründlich zu recherchieren, um mehr über das zu erfahren, was Sie wissen müssen oder wissen wollen, insbesondere über Themen der Religionsgeschichte.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
Die Frankfurter Buchmesse ist derzeit ein spektakuläres Ereignis, ein spektakuläres Buch. Deutschland ist vielleicht nicht das Herzstück einer religiösen Geschichte, aber ich sehe viele Leser im ganzen Land, die es sehen wollen.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
Es ist ein sehenswerter Anblick, besagte Bücher hier in Frankfurt zu haben. Zu wissen, was uns seit unserer Kindheit gesagt wurde, steht in krassem Gegensatz zur Realität in unserer religiösen Kultur.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
Ich liebe Bücher wie dieses mit sehr kontroversen Themen und der Repräsentant, der „What A Finish What A Start“ auf der Frankfurter Veranstaltung bewarb, sagte mir, dass der Autor weitere ähnliche Bücher auf dem Weg hat, ich kann es kaum erwarten.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
Es ist überzeugend, dass einige Fakten einfach übersehen wurden, einige Details dessen, was wir hatten, obwohl sie hätten sein sollen, im Widerspruch zu dem standen, was der Fall gewesen wäre, wenn man tatsächlich die Bibel gelesen hätte.
Ich bin froh, dass ich zur FBF gekommen bin.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
Die Frankfurter Buchmesse ist tatsächlich voller spannender Bücher und dieses ist eines davon. Ich habe nur einen Teil davon gelesen, aber ich werde es auf jeden Fall noch einmal lesen, wenn ich nach Hause komme.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
Ich war begeistert, an der Veranstaltung in Frankfurt teilgenommen zu haben, um einige Bücher zur Religionsgeschichte zu sehen und zu finden. Ich hätte nie erwartet, dass ich solch erstaunliche Bücher finden würde, die wirklich in die Realität eintauchen würden, was unsere Religionsgeschichte im Vergleich zu dem, was uns beigebracht wurde, wirklich ist.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
Ich hatte gehofft, auf der Frankfurter Veranstaltung einige interessante Bücher zu sehen, da dort jedes Jahr einige wunderbare Titel vorgestellt werden. Als ich „What A Finish What A Start“ sah, wurde mir klar, dass wir, wenn wir uns wirklich die Zeit nehmen, die Bibel durchzulesen und herauszufinden, womit wir es mit einer tiefgreifenden Wahrheit über Fakten zu tun haben, tatsächlich sehen können, was er uns wirklich gelehrt hat lernen.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
Dies ist mein fünfter Besuch auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse, ich kann nicht sagen, dass ich enttäuscht bin, ich habe hier immer großartige Bücher gefunden, diese ausführlichen Bücher sind definitiv diejenigen, die wir als Gesellschaft mehr lesen sollten, insbesondere diese die die Wahrheit wissen wollen.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
And the truth has been told!!!! Or more like elaborated on what is really written in the Bible. I have always thought of that my self. I can see how that can be a Wednesday Crucifixion, I mean why would it be Friday if he was resurrected after 3 days on a Sunday.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers
Tolle Themen, sehr spannende und durchaus kontroverse Detaildiskussionen.
TAGS: What a Finish! What a Start! Author Fred A. Kuypers